• 诺娃队长


      In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time travel makes Nova young again and she crash lands into 2025 as a twelve-year old. Nobody seems to take her and her mission seriously, except for Nas - a neglected teen who tries to keep this mysterious girl and her little flying robot ADD out of the hands of the secret service. Will Nova and Nas succeed in saving the future world?

  • 卧底费瑞的故事第一季



      Ferry Bouman tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the greatest.

  • 神秘间谍




  • 卧底费瑞的故事



    Ferry Bouman试图作为一个新手xtc制作人在Brabant黑社会中站稳脚跟。他与约翰、姐夫拉尔斯、雷姆科和丹尼斯一起,与不可动摇的大毒枭阿里·塔克和一个臭名昭著的摩托车俱乐部战斗,赢得了他在高层的地位。但只有当他的爱人丹妮尔了解了渡轮和他的生意的黑暗面,才清楚他要付出什么代价才能成为最大的。
